Japan: Iconic birds of the North, and the search for Sandhill Cranes in the South
by Mike Savino September 24, 2015 Blakiston’s fish owls harlequin ducks Japan October 2015 red crowned cranes sandhill cranes Sean Wirth Stellar’s sea eagles white tailed eagles whooper swans
Join local conservation activist and natural historian, Sean Wirth, on a photographic tour of some of Japan’s fabulous and iconic birds. (Sean is an executive committee member of the Sacramento Group of the Sierra Club, conservation chair of the Mother Lode Chapter of the Sierra Club, a founding member of Save Our Sandhill Cranes, executive committee and board member of ECOS, and co-chair of Habitat 2020.)
The first stop on the journey will be the frigid winter snows of northern Hokkaido where we will spend time with red crowned cranes, whooper swans, white tailed eagles, Stellar’s sea eagles, Blakiston’s fish owls, harlequin ducks and many others. And then, we will head to southwestern Kyushu where we will try to find the small handful of sandhill cranes who journey there from Siberia to spend the winter with Japan’s hooded and white naped cranes, as well as spoonbills, herons, egrets, snipes, and various waterfowl. You will have to come to the presentation to find out if the sandhills were found.
The presentation is co-hosted by Sacramento Audubon and Save Our Sandhill Cranes and will be held at Effie Yeaw Nature Center at 7PM on October 15th.
This is a free event. Directions to the Nature Center can be found here.