The Simplest Way to Help Our Cranes
When issues of importance to Sandhill crane habitat come up, there are often public hearings to discuss the issue. It may be a development project, a general plan update or a request to the Local Agency Formation Commission from a city to expand its boundary.
When we can, SOS Cranes tries to provide testimony at the appropriate public hearing. Most people, however, are not willing to take all the time required to testify at a hearing and many people are not comfortable speaking in a public forum. That does not mean they are not passionate about the issue under discussion. Such people, however, can still have their voices heard by sending a letter to the entity responsible for the decision, be it a city council, the LAFCo or the Board of Supervisors.
If enough people take the time to write letters, it gets the attention of the elected government officials. They are all sensitive to public input, in person or via letter, especially if it is from those who will be voting in the next election. So do send letters. They can make a big difference — email or hard copy via USPS.